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My latest body of work, "Odyssey"
In this era of constant connectivity and social media saturation, the demand to articulate my paintings seems ever more insistent. As I grapple with this, I am acutely aware of the fundamental enigma at the heart of this challenge. Painting for me is a journey of discovery, uniquely suited to unearth new ideas, realms of understanding and even novel realities. It defies verbal encapsulation and exists beyond the confines of language.
Attempting to distil the essence of painting feels contrived, for its true power lies in the intricate web of interconnectedness it spins. Here, at the nexus of representation and abstraction, I find fertile ground for exploration—a realm where meaning and ambiguity entwine, revealing truths both profound and elusive.
My latest body of work finds its genesis in a desolate shoreline, the fragments of overheard conversations that echo societal unrest. It began on a quiet beach in Kent, where I found myself fascinated by the sight of a deflated dinghy—a symbol echoing the complexities of the migrant crisis that resonates with the zeitgeist of our times.
Anchored in Homer's timeless epic, the Odyssey, my latest works serves as a prism through which to refract contemporary themes: place, identity, power and the human condition. By grounding these within an ancient myth, I strive to challenge entrenched narratives and provoke introspection, explore diverse perspectives and reimagine established myths. It is both a springboard for creativity and a lens through which to critique entrenched narratives.
Amidst all this intellectual exploration, I am reminded of the core paradox of painting. The act of painting is to surrender to the flow and relinquish conscious thought. In this space, I discover a profound liberation—an invitation to play, to engage, to transcend. This is where words yield to the language of colour and form, and where the journey itself becomes the destination.
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